Modern home heating appliances provide much better efficiency than models of the past, but if sustainability is important to you and your family, geothermal heating is the most environmentally-friendly home heating options. In addition to decreasing your carbon footprint, these systems also help you decrease your energy bill costs.

The Benefits Of A Geothermal Heating Solution

Geothermal systems tap into the earth, or water, surrounding your home, for both heating and cooling purposes. There are many reasons homeowners opt for these systems:

Improved safety—since there is no flammable fuel required to operate the system

Homes with these systems benefit from lower insurance rates

They are better for the environment, as emissions are decreased by more than 60%

Removing the necessity for oil, gas, or electricity makes them a less expensive option, with significantly decreased operating costs

There are zero odours emitted. This makes these systems a great choice for highly insulated/draft free homes

Avoidance of damage, since the units are located within the home, and not susceptible to damage from animals, falling debris, or weather

captain comfort

Contact us today to get pricing for your ideal geothermal home heating system. For homeowners who aren’t prepared to make this purchase outright, we provide straightforward and convenient financing options that allow you to start enjoying the benefits of your efficient home heating while paying for it over time. Call us today to get started.

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