In addition to providing full HVAC coverage, a WeCare Maintenance Plan can also cover all of your gas fireplace maintenance and service needs. Let D&B Climate Care add gas fireplace service and repair to your home heating protection plan. From now on, professional technicians from our team will handle seasonal maintenance and any necessary repairs; we’re just around the corner and always on call.
Save yourself time and money knowing that your gas fireplace is getting the best maintenance and service available from qualified heating and cooling technicians. Regular care helps to prevent problems and keep gas fireplaces operating safe and efficiently, not to mention reducing energy waste and lowering your utility bills.
- Clean gas logs and remove soot
- Pilot inspection and flame adjustment
- Check thermopile, thermocouple, vents and blowers, as needed
- Complete system inspection
- All in all a 22 point gas fireplace maintenance checklist is performed
- Plus a discount off regular labour rates if repairs are ever required
Most homeowners don’t have the time or know-how to do all of this properly; the safest step is to turn over the care of your gas fireplace to someone who does.
D&B ClimateCare is part of the largest heating and cooling cooperative in Ontario. We’re locally owned with the knowledge and expertise to handle all of your HVAC needs.
Contact us to find out how to cover all of your gas fireplace service and repairs in one convenient plan. Then, stay comfortable and cozy all winter long in front of your fireplace.